High School Grads 18-29 years old
Calling All Young Adults!
Have you recently graduated high school and don’t know when “adulthood” is supposed to feel real?
Are you in your 20s, and struggling to find your identity and purpose now that you don’t have your mom yelling at you to get to school everyday, and maybe have a job but have no idea what you actually want to be when you "grow up”?
Do you love your job, but no one there shares your beliefs and values, making it hard to make real connections?
Have you found that making friends as an adult is HARD?!
Maybe you’re a rare 18-29 year old who doesn’t resonate with any of those things and has wisdom to share!
Join us as we kick off our Young Adult Gathering on Tuesday, June 11th at 7pm at Community Life Church in Powhatan. For our first meeting, we will grill out, have corn hole, and share our hearts for this group. We are excited to dig into the Word together, build relationships, and seek out authentic community in the most pivotal time of our lives. We hope you’ll join us!
Young Adult Gathering
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Community Life Church Powhatan
Please see our Events Calendar for our next Young Adult Gathering.